Infinity Mirror Proposal – Final

Leen Khogeer

Interface Final Project Proposal

Fall 2019





infinity mirror sketch




I would like to expand my Arduino project which was the infinity mirror with the RBG LED. But I want to make it a bigger project. I want to make an infinity mirror with neo pixel strip that changes the blink of the light according to the movement of the piece. So, depending on how you tilt the piece, the movement of the light changes. I would do this using code. Below are the materials that I would be using. For the mirror, I’m going to laser cut the acrylic material to get the shape that I want.



Materials (electronic):


  1. Arduino UNO + breadboard
  2. 1-meter RGB neo pixel
  3. Four 10k potentiometers
  4. 3 N-channel MOSFETS
  5. SPDT power switch
  6. 22 AWG hookup wire (black) 100 feet
  7. 22 AWG hookup wire (red) 100 feet
  8. Barrel jack breadboard adapter
  9. 12v/5A DC power supply


Materials (making the mirror):


  1. 9” diameter circular mirror
  2. Kit of 8”, 9”, 10” diameter round paper-Mache boxes
  3. 1/8’ thick 12”x12” Acrylic (one-way, two-way mirror)
  4. Black paint
  5. Wood frame




  1. Soldering iron
  2. Lead-free solder
  3. Wire strippers
  4. Mini needle nose pliers
  5. Power drill
  6. Super glue
  7. Electrical tape












Show Presentation:


It’s going to be on a stand because this is going to be an interactive piece that people can pick up from the stand. (Acrylic tilted easel)