Super duper party mode goal:
- Functioning Plotter
- Packed Electronics (3d print shell, mill pcb shield)
- Adjustable pen holder (for using different pens)
- Modular Control System (i2c components)
- Stop/Start buttons
- Collision interaction (bounce, loop, continue, stop)
- Manual Steering (steer x, steer y)
- Modify Path Inputs (change x, change y)
- Basic Paths (straight, square, circle, triangle)
- Path Mixer (multiple inputs for path modules, slider to control what to use)
Proof of Concept Package:
- Functioning Plotter
- Can hold a pen (electrical taped on)
- Modular Control System (i2c components)
- Start/Stop buttons
- Collision interaction (bounce, loop, continue, stop)
- Basic Paths (straight)