Final Proposal

Final Project Ideas:

1) I want to create a series of objects that use different sensors. I think this could be a  very doable project as the sensors I want to use are pretty simple and I could find lots of ways to use them.  I also want to be able to create a couple smaller projects and gather them all into one project. Kind of like the square I made, but actually functioning and simple from the start.

I can explain it better in person, but i’m thinking a table full of small objects that when moved, or bent, or pressed either make sound or change color.

(LEDS, Light,Sound, touch, bending, buttons)

2) I would like to work with a GPS, or at least try since I’ve never successfully done anything with one. I was thinking creating maybe a bracelet of sorts that displays something based off of where you are in the room? Like messages or images or something.

(LEDS, GPS, Display)